2009-04-28 19:54:25 UTC
Anyone know of a simple, homogeneous, FREE way to perform an after-
hours shutdown? I've looked into screen savers, GPOs, scripts, third-
party software and I think I'm missing something. ...It seems that in
order to accomplish this, it will take many things working together in
tandem. Am I missing something or will it be something like,
scheduled task checking time to kick off script to shutdown machine?
Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated! TIA
hours shutdown? I've looked into screen savers, GPOs, scripts, third-
party software and I think I'm missing something. ...It seems that in
order to accomplish this, it will take many things working together in
tandem. Am I missing something or will it be something like,
scheduled task checking time to kick off script to shutdown machine?
Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated! TIA